Sebastien Guillaume

Sebastien Guillaume, Esq.Attorney

Sebastien Guillaume is a dyed-in-the-wool plaintiff’s lawyer. He takes delight in fighting for the rights and needs of real people against corporations and governments. His accomplishments include multiple seven-figure results. His professional pride comes from righting wrongs and, in the process, helping to restore the dignity and financial security of his clients and their families.

Mr. Guillaume studied law at UC Hastings in San Francisco and graduated with multiple honors, including Public Interest Law, Community Economic Development, Public Service, a Faculty Scholarship, and high academic rankings. Before law school, he studied social sciences, technology management, and the natural sciences. His broad experience before the law includes running a business, programming internet and business computer applications, engaging in progressive community organizing, teaching, and consulting.

Mr. Guillaume brings his experience and training to bear on each of his cases. He focuses on understanding clients’ and adversaries’ goals and seeks to use litigation to resolve root problems to address his clients’ real-world needs. At times, this may be the restoration of a job, or a tough injunction forbidding harmful or hateful conduct.

At other times, it may be the zealous pursuit of a fair measure of monetary damages. In each case, Mr. Guillaume seeks the best outcome, putting the client first.

When not at work, Mr. Guillaume enjoys spending time with his daughter and volunteers in community education programs.